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Choose the Plan that’s Right for you, With the Flexibility to Upgrade or Downgrade anytime .



Rs 299
100,000+ Ready to Use Downloadable templates
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30 days Money Back Guarantee
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No Hassle Cancellation
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30 Days Money Back Guarantee

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Rs 599
/3 Months
Get Unlimited access to Hundreds of Courses
20+ New Courses
50k+ New Downloadable templates
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Offline Access
24/7 Hand Holding Support
90 days Money Back Guarantee
Full HD Resolution
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No Hidden Costs and Surprises
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90 Days Money Back Guarantee
1 Month Free


Rs 1199
/6 Months
Get Unlimited access to Hundreds of Courses
45+ New Courses
100+ New Downloadable templates
Job Portal
Custom-made recommendations
Offline Access
24/7 Hand Holding Support
180 days Money Back Guarantee
Full HD Resolution
No Hassle Cancellation
No Hidden Costs and Surprises 
No Ads
180 Days Money Back Guarantee
2 Months Free

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Unlmited Access

20+ New

45+ New

High HD Resloution

Job Portal

Money Back Guarantee 💰

30 Days

60 Days

180 days

Hustle Free Cancellation

No Ads

Hand-Holding Support

24/7 Support

24/7 Support

24/7 Support


You may Cancel You Subscription at any time by Clicking on the “ Cancel Subscription” Button on my Account . You Paid Plan will End on the date of your next  billing Cycle. 

You can change your plan at any time by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Amrat account.
  2. Under Plan Details, select Change Plan.
  3. Choose the desired plan, then select Continue or Update.

Select Confirm Change or Confirm.

We will not Charge money from your account without your permission.  Whenever your subscription is about to expire, we will notify you by notification so that you can subscribe again if you feel the need or otherwise terminate.  And if you buy an annual plan, the money will be Charged from your account at once but you can always file a refund request.

We will not ask you to complete any legal formalities. Whenever you claim a refund, our team will contact you in order to understand your problem. If the problem is from us then we shall be responsible to solve it free of cost. If we  can’t solve it we will refund your money within 5 minutes but if the problem is caused by you then the company will try to solve it for free but will not refund the funds.

Pakistani students can pay via local networks as well as bank accounts while international students can only pay via bank account. We are working on usage of more convenient ways in the near future. 

Amrat also has a charity program in which we give a free subscription to those students who can not afford it. This facility is provided to one student after every ten subscriptions. For this you must first contact the customer service department. If you are deserving, the company will not charge you.